Update for partners attending Utforsk Verden / Explore the World

This is an update for those who have confirmed their participation in Utforsk Verden / Explore the World, being held in Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo on January 25th and 26th 2020.

Project status:

The response for this event has been very good, and at this moment we only have a few available stands, and we expect to fill them shortly.

Hotelrooms for partners:
Hotel Verdandi has given exhibitors a very good price on rooms.
Code «Explore the world», order directly from hotel.
Comfortroomc 795,-/natt
Standard pluss rooms 895,-/natt
Tlf +47 24 14 95 05


The marketing of Utforsk Verden / Explore the World includes a variety of activities:

Utforsk Verden has again entered into a cooperation with a media agency, BNP, assisting us at no cost for the launch of the event. Together with us, they have developed a plan for maximizing the response from use of our available resources, including negotiating good deals with media.

The majority of marketing will be on digital platforms, mainly through use of our website, Google ads, Linkedin and Facebook.

On the website, we shall also continously publish logo, description and a link to the various websites of all our partners and exhibitors.

In addition to this, all exhibitors and partners will be using the logo (attached) in own banners and actively promote the event in web sites and newsletters, and in this way promote both their own presence and the event itself versus their customers and network.

If any partners plan print advertising on their own, our negotiated prices can be used, given that the logo for Utforsk Verden / Explore the World is included in the advert. In such a case, please contact Line, who is the coordinator for this part:

Line Støber Taraldsen line@nordmann.no

Website and Facebook:

These are important parts of our promotion of the event, and we refer to the description on marketing in the above chapter. We also urge all partners to use their web site and Facebook for promoting the event.

Use of logo and advertising:

We do encourage everybody to include the logo, banners and other information about Utforsk Verden / Explore the World in their own dialogue with the market, whether based on mail campaigns, newsletters, web banners, advertising etc..

Opening hours:

The following opening hours have been decided for Utforsk Verden / Explore the World:

  • Saturday January 25th from 10 – 17
  • Sunday January 26th from 10 - 17


We have the disposal of totally five-six seminar rooms for presentations throughout the opening hours of the vent. The schedule is based on 30 minutes presentations, 15 minutes for questions, and another 15 minutes to set up for the next presenter. This means in reality that we are starting new seminars every half hour, except from the first hour when opening and possibly the last hour before closing.

Everybody who would like to hold a presentation, are kindly asked to send us the request, indicating the topic or title of the presentation, the name of the presenter, and around what time you would like to hold the presentation. The Executive Committee take the right to develop a final program based on all requests. Please have in mind that the presenter can be as important as the topic itself, so if you plan to use skilled and high profile presenters, this can add value to the event. With a fairly large number of exhibitors, there will be a limited number of seminars each of you can possibly conduct as part of the program, and it is always better to send the request early, not risking that everything is already scheduled when we recieve it.

Christine is the person in the Executive committee coordinating this, so please send your emails to her on the following address:

REISEbazaar - Christine Christine@reisebazaar.no

Please also keep the project manager in copy on arne@asbconsult.no.

Stand solutions:

As most of you already know, we have developed and adapted a solution with open stands, with a back wall 2.5 meters tall, and only with low half walls on each side, not to limit the view for visitors and other exhibitors.

The stand is delivered ready for use with the following:
- Stand walls as described.
- Carpet covered floors.
- Electricity.
- Spots (normally one per meter front).
- Standard counter (see the illustration below).
- Tall table (see illustration).
- Two bar chairs (see illustration).
- Front sign (for the counter).
- Access to use the exhibitors lounge with all facilities (two persons per stand as standard)

Spot arrangement, usually one per three square meter stand.

Brussel info disk

Pilar, bar table

Palma, bar chair

It is possible to change or supplement, using other types of equipment if you prefer or want an upgrade. It is also possible to order additional entry cards for use of the exhibitors lounge facilites, including food and drinks. The price per person is NOK 500 + vat.

Additional equipment:

For some, it may be relevant with some supplement or other types of counters. Here you will find an option. The additional cost for the curved counter insted of the standard counter in the package, is NOK 350 + vat and for an extension NOK 1.000 + vat.

Hanoi counter


Hanoi counter extension


Other issues:

We kindly refer to the existing guidelines for the event.

With the solutions that have been chosen to give an open and inviting impression, the back walls of the stand is the main focus for exposing information and attract attention from the visiting consumers. For those who do not already have appropriate back walls or banners suitable for the stand, we have negotiated various offers. Please contact us for more information and contact details.



For more information, please contact the Project Manager, Arne Sundt-Bjerck:


Tel. +47-91198290